Sunday, 19 June 2016

My Own Website: The 1975

I chose to create a website based around the band ‘The 1975.’ When creating the website, using ‘Wix’ site, I was constantly considering the bands symbolic conventions, consisting of an indie, alternative English rock band. I also had the idea of Dyer’s Star Theory and Negus’ Organic Vs Synthetic Theory in the back of my mind. 

My website in which I created, embraced the positives of ‘The 1975’ and emphasised their organic act. ‘The 1975’ are an organic and healthy band as they formed in 2002 when at ‘Wimslow High School’ and naturally grew alone from there. Through my website, I have aimed to exaggerate Negus’s approach by keeping the site’s colours natural with subtle tones. I also kept the style and layout the same creating an organised and organic response.

From the site I made I have hoped to attract the target audience of the band. For instance, the band’s music covers themes of darker aspects, such as drugs, hope, death and fear and I tried to follow these conventions by using dark coloured tones and subtle styles. From this, I understand these elements are mostly appreciated and takes interest by late  teenagers young adults. Their dark clothing mirror these topics, in which I tried to include. 

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