Sunday, 20 November 2016

Pre-Production: Naming our artist

As we are approaching our shoot day and have nearly completed aspects of our main artefact, our music video. My group and I understand we have to also carefully and earnestly consider ideas for our ancillary products, such as for our CD Digipack and website homepage for our artist. To successfully build an effective and impressive portfolio, it is of huge significance to ponder upon our artist’s name and star image. In addition to this, we felt it was of use to generate our artist’s name before creating our video, so we could possibly feature her name in footage for our video.

Therefore, my group and I primarily discussed possible and potentially effective names. For example, I started by initially originating simple, sharp, strong and slick titles, such as ‘Sienna’ or ‘Val.’ I felt by formerly generating single worded names it purposely communicates our artist quickly and clearly. However, not all the members of my group were fond of this and much more consideration was needed. Therefore, we went back to basics and decided to note aspectual conventions of our artist, such as ideas of our artist being youthful, spontaneous and rebellious, consequently Harvey suggested the name ‘Mary Jane.’ My group and I were pleased with the name ‘Mary Jane’ as it suits are artist and connotes illegal appropriate activities. Similarly, as well as ‘Mary Jane’ being a well-known and indie name, it’s also commonly associated with the drug Marijuana, connecting with suitable relations. However, we all felt ‘Mary Jane’ was too cliché on its own and possibly too simple. Therefore, we all agreed a surname was necessary, such as considering, ‘Monroe, Martin, Amelia’ and more. However, we felt her name was becoming too long and prevented the catchy feel. Considering forenames, we all appreciate the alliteration of the beginning of the first name and last, such as ‘Mary Jane Monroe’, or ‘Mint Mojo.’

Considering this, my group and I felt we should contemplate aa new method. For example, I proposed a different approach, being that our artist is strong and dominant, therefore, I suggested something along the lines of ‘L. Scott’, or ‘A. Mont’, however we all felt this was too formal and sophisticated for our artist. In response to this, our discussion fell to a researching exploration, researching concepts of proper gangsters. From examining gangster wife names, titles such as, ‘Romana, Griselda’ or ‘Goldi’ were of popularity and suitability. Although, we all agreed none of these names were quite right, constantly considering potentials, ‘Scarlett, Scar, Ice, Gold, Silvet’ or ‘Ganja’ appeared.

Due to this, I decided our artist needs to be controlled by a more foreign approach, therefore I recommended the name ‘Yulia.’ From this suggestion, huge amounts of realistic ideas and growth sprung. Consequently, our artist Anjuli Vadera, is half-Indian, half-German. From this, we all unquestionably felt the need to explore this external and foreign concept, experimenting with ideas from both nationalities, however this was a struggle. At this point of processing the name, we appreciated and were mostly fond of having a stage name, therefore further research was explored into this.

After recognising the association with the foreign style, Harvey researched inspiration for German ancestry actress’. For instance, he investigated into Norse Gods and found the name ‘Freyja.’ The name ‘Freyja’ linked with idea of war and death representing rebellion, beauty, youth and love. From this, connections were made, giving her a possible surname such as, ‘Freyja Frigg, Freyja Rose’ or ‘Freyja Allon.’ However, at the present of this, we asked some audience members for further response and views on our ideas. Due to this, many couldn’t pronounce the name ‘Freyja’ accurately and therefore we don’t want viewers to be confused by our artist’s name, instead we want rapid, clear and silk recognition.

This was falling harder than expected and many hard thoughts were being thrown to and fro. However, as a group, we felt we were getting closer to the perfect and accurate name for our artist. We felt researching foreign gods was a correct and inspiring exploration, finding names such as ‘Shiva’ and ‘Parvarti’, but something was still missing. After examining our artist, Anjuli several times we took advantage of the way she looks, falling into a Native American feel. Subsequently researching Native American and red Indian tribal concepts and names, Harvey found the ‘Sioux’ tribe. After having a long discussion regarding names, we particularly stumbled across the name ‘Sioux’, therefore we took this into consideration. We felt ‘Sioux’ offers many advantageous to it, including a visually pleasing look but also an interesting approach. Similarly, as we previously appreciate and were indulged with the double meaning of one’s name, for instance ‘Mary Jane,’ we were also fascinated by ‘Sioux’ meaning ‘Sue’ as well.

After sprawling across the impressive and efficient name ‘Sioux’, we continued to draw further research and exploration into the historical context and appreciation of the name. From research, ‘Sioux’ is traditionally interpreted as little snakes. From understanding the meaning behind our potential and successful name, we are fond upon including snakes into our website and album cover; creating effective connections and links across all three of our products. Therefore, we have prominently and finally decided our artist will be called ‘SIOUX.’

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