Saturday, 10 September 2016

Feedback from class

After examining our three initial ideas, we had to present them in class. I felt fairly confident prior the presentation as I had produced three detailed and clear descriptions of my concepts onto several blog posts. I knew I had to speak with assurance, excitement and certainty in able to obtain a successful pitch. My class and my teacher were very supportive of my ideas and there gave me advantageous, effective, constructive and helpful feedback. 

By the class giving me advisable feedback, I will use their comments and responses as a springboard to beneficially help my ideas move and advance into an improved, developed and different domain.

Similarly, by additionally listening to other individual’s presentations outlining their concepts, it gave me inspiration and motivation to drive and develop my ideas further. I am now prepared and willing to experiment and take risks instead of settling into obvious and predictable perceptions, in order to achieve the best possible and effective outcomes.

  • Overall, the idea most popularised by the class was the first initial idea, the playground. For example, individuals felt this was the strongest as although it was simple it was most effective and relatable, potentially allowing a feeling of an emotive connection. This concept will also show aspects of easiness, for instance finding the correct cast.
  • But also my classmates liked the idea of the first one, the art gallery, as they found it very original, creative and interesting, although there are problems with it. For instance, continuity, space, time and control. These elements would become issues, as I will want potentially further light my video or include further props. I will want to block out areas of the gallery, however this will be hard as it won’t be easy to cut from one shot to another or bring items in. There will also be many individuals walking into the frame and out as art galleries are an open and public place.
  • Finally, my third idea, blue lights, including the cage dancers had positives and negatives. For example, individuals explained the cage and blue lights would secure a cinematic, crazy and successful look. Similarly, some respected the consideration of an interesting space if I used a cage. However, an uplifting comment was made being, if the cage is executed well in an intriguing space, with the right actor and costume, I can get the whole video from one captivating, design idea and art directed scene. For instance, if the performance is good enough and the image is strong enough, the video can speak for itself.

From listening and considering to the feedback given, I am going constructively respond to this by effectively researching videos suggested. For instance, I am practically going to research similar conceptual music videos, either found on ‘Radar music video’ or on ‘YouTube.’ However, I was told my ideas are quite out of the box, so therefore it will be a struggle finding similar sources or products, although I have found some elements of Kanye West’s videos, Rihanna’s, Miley Cyrus’ or other relatable aspects.

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