Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Pre-Production: Dance Example

For further work into our pre-production, we understand the crucial aspects of completing test shoots and the vitality presenting visual sources of what we want our concepts to look like. Therefore, an aspect of our first element consists of two male dancers; my group and I felt it was necessary to create a short visual representation of our intentions.

For example, we used ‘Matt Steffanina’s’ choreography of ‘Cold Water’ and successfully timed it with our music, ‘Pray (Empty Gun)’ through a screen recording. However, this is not a completely accurate representation as we are using two male dancers instead of a girl and boy but the style of dancing will be similar to ours.

My group and I have agreed to arrange a test shoot with our male dancers for a further and closer representation of our product, however we are pleased the style and choreography of the dance fits with our music. In the meantime, we have emailed our dancers, ‘Callum Henderson’ and ‘David Heal’ with an attached example of the dance to give them a clear idea of what we are looking for and so they can begin practicing. From this, we have gained closer excitable hope and further realistic visuals towards our video. 

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