Saturday, 8 October 2016

Pre-Production: Main girl test shoot

Today, we completed a test shoot, ticking off tasks from our noted plan. We wanted to test shoot our main girl, Juli, as we are undecided on whether to change our song, so therefore we wanted to visually see if the change needed to be made. Similarly, we felt it was crucial to see if she suited the role and met our intentions. Test shoots are always beneficial as they allow cast members to become more comfortable and confident in front of the camera as well us.

During the test shoot, Juli seeked nervousness and tended to be shy, however by the end she started to feel more comfortable and at ease with our concepts. We feel she has the perfect look for the song and although she wasn’t 100% on the words, we feel she has huge potential and through further test shoots she will successfully meet our demands.

Alongside rehearsing Juli, we wanted to experiment with a further idea, including concepts of clicking on beats of the song. For example, we asked two girls to stand in so we could visually see. As a group, we feel clicking could potentially and effectively work with our full cast. Overall, we are happy with how our test shoot went and are pleased with our casted main girl, but we are also blessed as we are constantly gaining more realistic hope and excitable visions of what our video could be like.

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